Gods of Los Angeles (2005)

"When you cant believe in anything believe in love"
Audience Score
Gods of Los Angeles
Bruce thought he had everything A stable life a beautiful girlfriend But he still felt dead inside And he found himself at a crossroads with no idea what to do with the rest of his life Lily had always been told she was crazy Most people saw her as naive and childish But shed managed to get into a major college far away from her old life And shed met a nice guy Bruce who she knew liked her though his girlfriend would never approve of that Rhonda was worried She was deeply in love with Bruce but had never felt secure with him He was immature for one thing irrational and silly But her main worry was that in a college relationship nothing lasts forever Will he just pack up and leave after graduation Would he pack up and leave her now Why couldnt he just give her a straight answer And what the hell was he doing with that Lily girl anyway People always told Clifford he was funny Even women thought he was funny But they didnt want to go out with him