5 Things We Want to See In 'Star Wars: Episode VIII'
In less than two years, "Star Wars: Episode VIII" will chronicle the further adventures of Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren. Here are the five things we absolutely want to see in the next sequel from that galaxy far, far away.
1. More of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker
It turns out there was a reason Luke Skywalker was mostly left out of all the posters, trailers and other promotional material for “Force Awakens.” He only had one short, silent scene in the entire movie. We imagine “Episode VIII” will rectify that omission and showcase Luke schooling Rey in the ways of the Force, just as Master Yoda once instructed him. How the tables have turned.
2. Finn & Poe: BFFs
Finn and Poe’s instant friendship was one of the more endearing elements of “Force Awakens,” despite the fact that the two only shared a few minutes of screen time together. We want to see more of this intergalactic bromance -- What sort of mischief can an ex-Stormtrooper and a hotshot pilot with matching jackets get into? Plenty, we expect.
3. Fleshing Out Snoke
It’s pretty clear Supreme Leader Snoke is the big villain of this new trilogy, but where did he come from -- and what’s his connection to old-school Sith Lords like Darth Sidious? Even as Luke schools Rey, we want to see Snoke finish Kylo Ren’s training to crown him as an official member of the Sith. And we’d like to learn more about Snoke’s plans for the galaxy, plans that hopefully don’t involve building yet another Death Star.
4. General Leia Taking Charge
Leia certainly had more screen time in “The Force Awakens” than her brother, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to see more of the Princess-turned-General in "Episode VIII." Show us Leia still grieving the fact that her son killed her husband (or whatever the heck Han’s legal status was). And show us a determined General Leia trying to hold the Republic together after the First Order wiped most of its leaders off the map.
5. Give Captain Phasma More to Do
Based on her awesome costume design alone, we were expecting to fall in love with Captain Phasma. Sadly, she wasn’t given the chance to do much in “The Force Awakens,” other than stand around and be held hostage. We really want this shiny villain to have a stronger presence in “Episode VIII,” hopefully as she hunts Finn across the galaxy and proves why she’s the most feared trooper in the entire First Order.