How Many People Watched Jon Stewart's Final 'The Daily Show'?
Jon Stewart did not say goodbye on his emotional final episode of "The Daily Show," he just said he was going out for a drink. But how many people tuned in to see his emotional #JonVoyage after 16 years on Comedy Central?
According to Deadline, last night's August 6 finale was watched by 3.5 million viewers, with 1.8 million in the advertiser-coveted 18-49 demo. That made it the second most-watched "Daily Show" episode after the 3.6 million who tuned in for a visit from then-presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama on October 28, 2008. The numbers are close, though, and 3.5 million for Jon's farewell is up from the 2.5 million for "The Colbert Report" finale last year. That was the Stephen Colbert show's largest audience.
Stephen returned to "The Daily Show" last night and his touching tribute to Jon was one of the night's highlights.
Sniff. Wasn't that beautiful? The new guy, Trevor Noah, also had a cameo last night when he pretended to measure the furniture and Jon asked him to just wait 20 more minutes and it would all be his. Trevor takes over "The Daily Show" on September 28 and Stephen takes on "The Late Show" on September 8.
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