It's Marvel's Fault Jeremy Renner Isn't in 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout'
Jeremy Renner isn't in any of his sequels. It's like Thanos snapped him in real-time.
Yeah, he'll be in "Avengers 4," but we thought his Hawkeye would be in "Avengers: Infinity War," and he wasn't. His William Brandt is also not in "Mission: Impossible 6," aka "Fallout," which comes out next Friday.
The character of Brandt was in "Ghost Protocol" and "Rogue Nation," and it sounds like director Christopher McQuarrie could've found him a role in "Fallout," but "bad timing" with Renner's Marvel Cinematic Universe schedule axed him from the lineup.
Here's what McQuarrie told Digital Spy:
"At the time, when the movie started, we didn't really have a screenplay, so it was very difficult for us to say who would be in the movie for how long and on what days, and he had a commitment to Marvel. So there was just simply no predicting. If we had a finished script, we would have been able to say, 'Yes, this will work and we can let you go for this time', but there was just no predicting what those roles were going to turn out to be. It was just an unfortunate case of bad timing."
Sucks. But, also, Jeremy Renner broke his arms during filming for his comedy "Tag," so -- depending on the timing of everything -- that could've complicated "M:I - Fallout" even further. Then again, "Fallout" managed to strong-arm "Justice League" into CGI-ing Henry Cavill's mustache, so maybe they could've figured something out with broken Renner and Marvel.
It's not even like Renner has had much to do with Marvel, at least on screen. We haven't seen him since "Captain America: Civil War" in 2016. When it was announced back in March 2017 that he wouldn't be in "M:I-6," initial reports said he was too busy filming "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Ant-Man and the Wasp." Clearly he wasn't in either movie.
Oh well. Hopefully we'll see him in "M:I-7."
"Mission: Impossible - Fallout" opens Friday, July 27.
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Mission: Impossible - Fallout