Zachary Quinto: Death of Anton Yelchin Right After Leonard Nimoy Devastated Star Trek Family
The new "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" to promote "Star Trek Beyond," which is coming out July 22, featuring a posthumous performance from Anton Yelchin, who died June 19 in a freak car accident at the way-too-young age of 27.
Stephen offered his condolences for this latest death in the family, just a year after the death of original Spock Leonard Nimoy.
"Beautiful, beautiful guy," Zachary said of Anton. "I don't even know how to talk about it. We already knew that this would be a really bittersweet experience because of the loss of Leonard last year, but this has just been absolutely devastating for all of us."
Stephen noted that they had been working together since 2007 when they shot the first "Star Trek" movie.
"I think our goal has to be to just celebrate his incredible life and honor him as much as we can," Zachary continued. "It's a terrible loss, not just to us personally but to the industry and audiences. He was such a talent." Zachary said the cast really is close, and maybe they had taken each other for granted.
Watch the full interview for more, including Stephen and Zachary's "Star Trek" vs. "Star Wars" debate:
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