Bing Slamet Setan Djalanan

Bing Slamet Setan Djalanan
The Maut Club Death Club gang is led by Bing nicknamed The Boss and consists of kids Some are rascals some are just curious while some are just bored Harassing people on the street is what the group does One day there is a fight between Maut Club and the Harimau Lapar Hungry Tiger gang during which Benyamin accidently shoots a policeman Everyone is caught except for Boss and Benyamin In prison Vivi who has rich parents tries to commit suicide out of shame She manages to get a house arrest instead thanks to the efforts of Eddy Sud a university student who lives with Vivis family Boss and Benyamin come to the house and the latter confesses that he was the one who shot the policeman Boss and Benyamin then turn themselves in to the police The story ends with a farewell party for Vivi who is going abroad to study Boss sings a song titled Kembali ke Jalan yang Benar or Returning to a Righteous Path

Movie Details

Original Language:Indonesian
Production Companies:PT Safari Sinar Sakti Film