Terrence Malick's 'A Hidden Life' Set for Awards Season Release
Fox Searchlight is setting up Terrence Malick's "A Hidden Life" for possible awards season success.
The studio snapped up the film after it debuted at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival and won over critics and other attendees. Now, Fox Searchlight has scheduled the biopic to open in U.S. theaters on Dec. 13, as Deadline reports. The release date is a prime one for vying for some of Hollywood's most prestigious awards.
Malick, a three-time Academy Award nominee, wrote and directed "A Hidden Life." The film centers on Franz Jägerstätter (August Diel), an Austrian farmer who became a conscientious objector when he refused to fight for the Nazis during World War II. Valerie Pachner and the late Michael Nyqvist and Bruno Ganz also star.
A bidding war broke out after "A Hidden Life" premiered at Cannes. Fox Searchlight won with a bid estimated to be in the range of $12 million and $14 million, according to Deadline's sources at the time. We'll find out in the coming months if the studio did indeed pick a winner.
"A Hidden Life" opens Dec. 13.
[via: Deadline]