Chris Pratt's 'Jurassic World 2' Diet Is Pretty Wild (Including 'Cat Food')
Chris Pratt is currently filming "Jurassic World 2" and he is probably so hungry as you read this. He has to stay fit for his return to the role of Owen Grady, so he's eating some healthy, low-carb, high-protein snacks on set. We know this because he's been posting a series of Instagram videos revealing "a new segment called" [in sing-song voice] "What's My Snack?"
Here's the first video, with Pratt struggling to pronounce what's in his jar of "cacao baobab banana chia." However you say it, you're supposed to shake it before you dig in.
This next video has the caption, "#JurassicWorld2 #WHATSMYSNACK watch me eat cat food like a good little boy."
It's not technically cat food, though, even if it is a fancy feast called "assorted sashimi":
The third and most recent video is captioned "Hot new full length episode of #WHATSMYSNACK." This one is whispered at 10:53 p.m. as Pratt inhales some olive oil pistachio cake that he was supposed to save for the next day.
You know you're not getting enough food for your body when that small amount of olive oil pistachio cake looks like a feast and you can't even wait until you're "supposed" to eat it to dive in. He may start eating the fake dinos on set if he has to keep this up for too long.
"Jurassic World 2" is scheduled for release June 22, 2018.
[via: CinemaBlend]
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