'Dear White People' Creator's Next Project: A Horror Movie Called 'Bad Hair'
We've all had bad hair days, but a whole horror movie about it? That's what Justin Simien, creator of "Dear White People," is working on next.
Simien told IndieWire that before going back to work on Season 3 of his Netflix show (which is based on his 2014 film of the same name), he'll shoot "Bad Hair" over the summer.
The movie is set in the late '80s or early '90s and is about a girl from Compton who "doesn't have the right look, doesn't have the right hair, doesn't have the right face, and doesn't have the right skin color," he says. In order to fulfill her dream of being a VJ, she "makes a bit of a Faustian bargain" and ends up with a wave that "may or may not have a mind of its own."
(Not unlike a certain "Hell Toupée" segment in a memorable episode of "The Simpsons," Treehouse of Horrors, in which a hair transplant from criminal Snake turns Homer into a homicidal maniac.)
Added Simien, "It's my way of taking my frustration of what I feel like black woman are going through, who we rely on for so much –- politically, culturally, just in terms of the family dynamic –- and we put them through hell," he continued. "We make them suffer quiet little deaths just to be seen in our culture and I wanted to translate that, in my own way, into a very weird horror-satire love letter to that experience."
He says it'll be a "cheeky" horror-comedy. No cast has been announced yet. Might we expect "Dear White People" star Tessa Thompson to sign up?
[Via IndieWire]