Early 'Justice League' Reactions Are in and They Aren't Terrible
That sound you hear is Warner Bros. execs breathing a sigh of relief.
Diane Lane raved about "Justice League," but now non-cast members are weighing in. Reviews are still embargoed, so critics took to social media to share their early reactions. The word "flaws" comes up, but so does "fun," which -- let's be honest -- is not always the word that leaps to mind when it comes to DC films like "Man of Steel," "Batman v Superman," and "Suicide Squad."
Overall, it sounds like critics found "Justice League" to be a step in the right direction for the franchise, which just had a critical and fan hit in "Wonder Woman" this past summer.
Here are some reactions:
I think if you are going to a #JusticeLeague movie to see all your favorite DC heroes rocking their skills & being the badasses you love, then you will get plenty of that. Lots of action. Lots of superheroes being superheroes.
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) November 10, 2017
They did it???? Justice League is wonderful. Heartfelt, funny, but with high stakes and consequences. They address and fix many peoples issues with BvS, but in ways it helps the story and characters. So many surprises you all have no idea about. #justiceleague
— Mike Kalinowski (@MikeKalinowski) November 10, 2017
People that have complained about DC movies being too dark are about to see the light #JusticeLeaguepic.twitter.com/eB1JoNJTvi
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) November 10, 2017
So yes the #JusticeLeague social embargo is up so I can finally say, this movie is exactly what I think a lot of DC fans have been waiting for since Batman v Superman was announced...
— David Crow (@DCrowsNest) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague exceeded my expectations! JL was a BLAST! Don't go in thinking a Nolan lecture, it's an action popcorn movie (which felt like it should've been released during the Summer) and it was dope❗️The dork in me was ecstatic! Killed it! pic.twitter.com/WFUC1ADBGq
— Ken Pejoro (@Powerless_ness) November 10, 2017
I saw #justiceleague & It's really good!!! Strong film. #WonderWoman did her amazing thing. #Batman came to play. #Cyborg is a star. #Aquaman made me pumped 4 his film. The pacing is perfect. Zack & Joss blended together well. Oh & you're gonna wanna stay until the very end ????. pic.twitter.com/wRGvcAg2Hn
— Roxy Striar (@roxystriar) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is a blast from start to finish. Pure visual comic book fun pic.twitter.com/4d4eYB4p6a
— Chris Sylvia (@sylvioso) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is fine. It's more coherent & less idiosyncratic than Batman v Superman (which I loved, so make of that what you will), and tries very hard to lighten up on the gloom & doom of the DC universe. There are jokes and everything!
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague was entertaining for a good portion of the time though thin on storytelling and character development. There's more fun, humor and heart than BvS but it also feels very rushed with some scenes given zero time to develop.
— Dennis Tzeng (@ThinkHero) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is solid entertainment despite some problems. They pulled off a strange alchemy that works better than it should. The story is lacking, but the League is great and it's a blast to watch them in action together. Wonder Woman is clutch, obvi.
— Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is good!
(And I can finally talk about it!)
Wonder Woman is wonderful, Aquaman is surprisingly cool, Flash is hilarious, Batman is drunk, the story is coherent, and it's all surprisingly funny. It's not perfect, but really enjoyable!
Full review to come! pic.twitter.com/YzgSL4FBOP
— Mike Rougeau (@RogueCheddar) November 10, 2017
I am genuinely happy to report #JusticeLeague is a lot of fun. It's not perfect and has its problems, but does the job of making you care about these characters as a team by its end. It's also VERY funny, in lots of unexpected ways. pic.twitter.com/1AAjYgv16i
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) November 10, 2017
#JusticeLeague is a fun blockbuster that is entertaining enough to overcome its flaws. The team works well together to deliver more than a few spectacular superhero moments worth seeing on the big screen.
Maybe not quite what some hoped, but definitely not what many feared.
— Sean Gerber (@MrSeanGerber) November 10, 2017
SO I saw #JusticeLeague -twice. Still under embargo, but: This is a fun superhero flick. Funny but still hero adventure. Reminds me of JL Unlimited ep. Likable interaction amongst recognizable heroes. There is a villain problem (no worse than Marvel's) - @aaronsagers
— Aaron Sagers (@aaronsagers) November 10, 2017
Here it goes ... #JusticeLeague is super thin and has some very weak CG but it's got heart and a positive vibe that works. Overall, I had a pretty good time and am looking forward to seeing more of these characters.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) November 10, 2017
I saw #JusticeLeague! Here's what I thought. There are ton of things I'd change but it comes down to this: I had a blast! I got to see the team together and I had fun watching it. Ezra Miller steals the movie and #WonderWoman was perfect! pic.twitter.com/rgCI9fUuTs
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) November 10, 2017
The flaws rest mainly on the rapid-fire pace, lack of suspense and a villain that fails on every level to be scary, formidable or memorable. Thankfully, the League does not fall in that category. #JusticeLeague@joblocom
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) November 10, 2017
And do make sure you stay for the post credits scene of #JusticeLeague, ITS ONE OF THE BEST!! Major implications for the future...
— Adam Gertler (@AdamGertler) November 10, 2017
You heard, or at least read, the man: The post-credits scene is something to look forward to and analyze for the future of the DCEU. Get hyped!
"Justice League" opens in theaters next Friday, Nov. 17.
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