'Game of Thrones' Mixtape Will Bring The Noise With Anthrax
Anthrax's Scott Ian, will contribute a song to this year's "Catch the Throne" mixtape for Game of Thrones.
"Game of Thrones" is already pretty metal, what with all the swords and dragons and George R.R. Martin's beard, but the mixtape for next season will really take things to a new level. Last season's mixtape, "Catch the Throne," relied primarily on hip hop artists for songs that riffed on "GoT" themes and used samples from the show.
However, this year things are gonna get a little hairy. Anthrax's Scott Ian, whose impressive goatee rivals GRRM's, has revealed that his band will be contributing a song to this year's "Catch the Throne" mixtape, as per Facebook.
Scott Ian told Metal Hammer Magazine that writer, executive producer, and showrunner DB Weiss is a big fan of Anthrax. He said, "I asked Dan, 'Hey man, what would be the possibility of us recording the drums for the next album in the throne room?' Like we bring a mobile studio and set up the drums, mic everything and record in here. He says, 'Oh my God, that would be the sickest thing ever. We know the guys that can make that possible.'
"All of you out there who watch 'Game Of Thrones,' much like me, probably think it's a very metal TV show. And just know: the reason for that is that one of the creators is a huge metalhead."
Anthrax's next album will come out in 2015. "Game of Thrones" will return on this spring.
[Via Metal Hammer, EW]