'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Gag Reel Shows the Irony of 'Benevolent'
After "Game of Thrones," Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke should star in a comedy together. They are hilarious, and it is a joy to watch them eff up their lines in this GoT Season 6 blooper reel.
"Game of Thrones" will not start shooting Season 7 until late summer, and they'll keep filming until February for a premiere in Summer 2017. So they didn't have new season footage to show, but they did share a behind-the-scenes production video and a classic gag reel, with Dinklage struggling -- repeatedly -- to get out the word "benevolent," and Clarke fighting to speak proper Dothraki. (Not that many fans would notice if she spoke improper Dothraki, although "f--k akakakakakak!" doesn't quite sound authentic.)
Watch the 2-minute video here, which includes a special wink from Jon Snow, some lousy wood-chopping from the Hound, and a quality "fookin' 'ell!" from Theon:
Let's just skip benevolent and go with "kind."
And here's the Season 7 in-production tease:
While they didn't have much to say about Season 7 at Comic-Con, the GoT cast and filmmakers did discuss Season 6, with Sophie Turner sharing more on the Jon Snow/Sansa rivalry.
Turner said Sansa isn't so keen on the Iron Throne anymore. Instead, she added, "[Sansa] believes they should both be King and Queen of the North," Turner said. "I don't believe she thinks Jon is capable of running Winterfell and the North." Why not? "[Sansa] doesn't think he has the intellect, the knowledge, and the experience that she has, and I concur."
Hey, just because Jon was stabbed to death by the only people he's tried to lead doesn't mean he ... OK, maybe it does. Keep an eye out for more Sansa vs. Jon action in Season 7.
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