At long last, the gods (a.k.a. HBO) have blessed us with a sneak peek at the upcoming eighth and final season of "Game of Thrones." And we finally have some concrete information about the beginning of the end.

In addition to releasing a photo of Westeros power couple Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen (Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke), Entertainment Weekly also revealed some inside details about the season eight premiere. The new episodes kick off at Winterfell, with an installment that EW says includes "plenty of callbacks to the show’s pilot," including swapping the season one arrival of King Robert's procession for one featuring Dany and her army.

"What follows is a thrilling and tense intermingling of characters — some of whom have never previously met, many who have messy histories — as they all prepare to face the inevitable invasion of the Army of the Dead," EW reports.

And then there's some family drama, too.

Because it wouldn't be "Game of Thrones" without siblings being annoyed with one another, the episode will also touch upon the revelation of Jon's relationship with his new love (and -- *shudder* -- secret aunt) Dany, which causes some strife with his Stark family.

"Sansa isn’t thrilled that Jon bent the knee to his fancy new Targaryen girlfriend, at least not at first," according to EW. (Perhaps that explains their awkward embrace in this short clip from season eight?)

[via: Entertainment Weekly]