Watch Jon Stewart Get Cozy Under Stephen Colbert's 'Late Show' Desk
Everyone has their hobbies in retirement. For example, "The Late Show" desk.
The former "Daily Show" host visited Colbert on the set of his CBS late-night show on Tuesday night, and he joined him in discussing some of the biggest headlines. Reunited, they took the chance to throw shade at the Trump administration, chat about the royal wedding, discuss Netflix's deal with the Obamas, and more. Stewart also seized the opportunity to jokingly irritate his friend by doing things like poking him with a throwing star and peeping out of turn.
Watch the two "Daily Show" alums' reunion below.
It's always fun to see Colbert and Stewart back together again. We're glad Stewart took time away from farm life to take up residence beneath Colbert's desk. That's friendship.
"The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.