'Logan' Spinoff Centering on Laura/X-23 in the Works
When one door closes, a window may open.
Although this year's "Logan" shut the book on the Wolverine story, it also provided the opportunity for a new beginning for Laura aka X-23 (Dafne Keen). And according to the Hollywood Reporter, the "Logan" team is making initial plans for a spinoff focusing on the young mutant, who was cloned from the title character's DNA and shares similar powers.
"We're just working on a script," director James Mangold revealed.
"Logan" helped break the mold for superhero movies. It was stylized more like a Western, received an R rating, and was bloodier and more profane than its "Wolverine" or "X-Men" predecessors.
Mangold pointed to the success of "Wonder Woman" as a good sign for a future Laura movie. "Patty's success with that film only solidifies more for studios that there's less to fear with a female protagonist," he said.
"The more that keeps getting hit home, that ends up giving me more space turning around and going, 'Well, here we are with a female protagonist. That's incredible. And what are we going to do with her?' And that's where we are with that [the Laura script] right now, dreaming."