Shia LaBeouf is facing the consequences of his July run-in with police.

The actor finally had his day in court following an arrest that took place over the summer in Savannah, Georgia. On Thursday, LaBeouf pleaded no contest to disorderly conduct and guilty to obstruction, TMZ reports. Although prosecutors dropped a public drunkenness charge, the judge still slapped the Transformers franchise vet with a year of probation and anger management.

The arrest occurred while LaBeouf was in Georgia filming "The Peanut Butter Falcon," the Chicago Tribune reports. According to police, LaBeouf became belligerent after someone on the scene turned down his request for a cigarette. He reportedly began yelling profanities in the street, and when police came to arrest him, he tried to run away. Bodycam footage obtained by TMZ showed him continuing to swear and shout once in custody, including making racist comments.

It was certainly not a shining moment for LeBeouf, which he acknowledged in the aftermath of his arrest. In fact, he apologized in a statement, calling his behavior "a new low." The actor also said that he was "actively taking steps toward securing [his] sobriety." The judge's decision will likely provide extra incentive for him to do so, and hopefully aid him in his recovery process.

[via: TMZ; Chicago Tribune]