'The Simpsons' Season 30 Premiere Had Gal Gadot as Lisa (and DC Shade From Homer)
Can you believe "The Simpsons" has been on for 30 seasons? Ay, caramba.
Last night (9/30) was the premiere, with several guest stars -- including "Wonder Woman" herself, Gal Gadot, auditioning to play Lisa Simpson in a movie about Bart Simpson's near-death experience.
The premiere, "Bart's Not Dead," featured Bart botching a dare stunt and getting out of it by pretending he almost died and saw heaven and Jesus. That led to a Christian group funding a movie on what happened. For the movie, stars had to audition to play members of the Simpsons family.
Gal Gadot came in to read for Lisa, but Homer couldn't remember any movies she was in. When told she was Wonder Woman, he quipped, "As soon as I see the DC logo I immediately fall asleep."
Gadot also wouldn't let Homer used the Lasso of Truth to kidnap Gene Hackman and force him to play Homer.
(Lex Luthor as Wonder Woman's father would've been pretty amazing.)
Gal Gadot was so excited for her animated appearance:
The premiere also featured Emily Deschanel as Marge, Jonathan Groff as Bart, Dave Attell as Luke, and Pete Holmes as Matthew.
"The Simpsons" continues Sundays at 8 p.m. on Fox.
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