5 TV Shows to Watch If You Love Witches & Everything Supernatural
From the Wicked Witch of the West to the sheer terror of ""The Twilight Zone" and trucking on through "Hemlock Grove" -- is always ready to indulge your thirst for the witchy, the spooky, and the macabre.
'Salem' (2014 - )
Let's start with the witchiest of all witch shows -- the WGN's "Salem" is ready to stock you up on warty noses, frog-based potions, and hexes aplenty. And that's what makes this somewhat campy, horror-tinged drama so shamelessly watchable: It eagerly embraces the world of witches -- including the quasi-historic Salem trials -- and isn't afraid to get downright soap operatic.
Ridiculous? Yes. Gory? Yes. Bloody good fun? You know the answer.
'American Horror Story' (2011 - )
FX's anthology series takes its place as the most intense show on the list, with each season offering a twisted take on an existing horror or supernatural trope. If witches are your cauldron of tea, the critically acclaimed second season of "American Horror Story," subtitled "Coven," showcases one of the most tightly structured witch tales since "Rosemary's Baby." Its stellar, estrogen-powered ensemble -- including Gabourey Sidibe, Kathy Bates, and Angela Bassett -- delivers historically inspired voodoo and witchcraft, strikingly creepy imagery, and even a bit of social commentary.
'Supernatural' (2005 - )
You knew this was coming, right? True to its title, the WB's long-running fantasy-drama-horror-adventure-mystery series casts a wide net on all things weird, including a whole monster mash of demons, werewolves, wendigos, vampires, dragons, banshees, wraiths ... you get the idea.
In typical TV fashion, the two ghost-hunting leads just happen to be stupidly good looking, but the show's insanely long history -- well over 200 episodes in -- also lends "Supernatural" viewers a strange sense of comfort. The demon-snooping Winchesters are like two old friends cruising the country for the creepiest things it has to offer week in and week out, and (usually) nailing just the right balance of scary and silly.
'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' (1997 - 2003)
Without Buffy, there would be no Winchester brothers -- and no Whedon-verse, for that matter. For occult aficionados, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has it all. Between the bloodsucker slaying, star Sarah Michelle Gellar faces very relatable high-school drama -- the kind of problems you can't solve with a stake. Characters like the witchy Willow, villainous Spike, and vampire-turned-love-interest Angel make for an iconic and entertaining supporting cast in a show that somehow manages to be funny, irreverent, and emotional all at once. If you're in it for the creep factor, don't be fooled by the title -- zombies, witches, ghosts, robots, gods, demons, and just about all things metaphysical show up at least once.
And even more important than vamps, it's all topped off with ample doses of heart and gender positivity.
'Dark Shadows' (1966 - 1971)
In your quest for popcorn-friendly supernatural sustenance, don't be afraid to kick it old school -- and not 1997 "Buffy"-style old school. We're talking the granddaddy of supernatural soaps, 1966's "Dark Shadows."
Forget what you know about the Tim Burton-Johnny Depp movie remake. The television show that started it all was a stylish, elevated Gothic drama that brought the concept of the sexy vampire -- Jonathan Frid's legendary Barnabas Collins -- to the mainstream with a scream. Before "Twilight" was a gleam in Stephenie Meyer's eye, "Dark Shadows" gave us vampire love affairs, surprising betrayals, and shocking trysts, peppered with the occasional werewolf, ghost, time-travel escapade, or visit to a parallel dimension. Give it a watch next time you're craving 1,225 episodes of subversion, pulp, and supernatural cat fights.