Two 'Game of Thrones' Stars Agree on Who Should Win the Iron Throne
"Game of Thrones" is about to air its final two seasons, so the fans -- and the stars -- are naturally curious about who might win the Iron Throne's game of musical chairs. HBO's first promo for Season 7 showed Queen Cersei, Queen Daenerys, and King Jon all taking a long walk to the throne, but will one of them end up on that seat when this is all over, or will it be someone else? Or no one at all?
SAYS asked actor Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos) who he thinks will end up on the Iron Throne at the end of the series; he answered by agreeing with the actress who plays Melisandre on who should be king -- Sam:
"Carice van Houten was asked that question awhile ago and I have to agree with her. She said, 'I would like to live in a world that was ruled by Samwell Tarly.' But she said there's no way that's gonna happen, and I think she's probably right!
It looked like the guy at the beginning of this, Tyrion [Lannister], would be the right man for the job, but he likes [mimes drinking] a little bit too much.
I think Jon Snow would be good, but he doesn't strike me as someone who wants to. He's had power thrust upon him. He never asked to be king, it was all the other people in the North who made him king and he has a responsibility to his people.
But with this show, who knows who's gonna end up a king. It could be anybody. Or nobody."
Yes to all of that. You have to want the Iron Throne -- a chair deliberately designed to be uncomfortable for each ruler -- and both Sam and Jon don't seem like they'd want it.
Tyrion is better as an adviser/Hand of the King than ruler himself. Dany is the one who wants it and has experience ruling, but not all of her experience has been that great. (But at least she wasn't stabbed to death by her own people.)
We're still big fans of the "nobody" idea -- best expressed in the fan theory that the Iron Throne gets melted down for use as Valyrian steel in the Great War against the White Walkers, thereby ending the fight for the throne of the Seven Kingdoms.
"Game of Thrones" Season 7 starts Sunday, July 16 on HBO. Season 8 will end the series the following year.
[via: Watchers on the Wall, SAYS]
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