Watch TV Anchor Storm Off Set After One Too Many Kardashian Stories
Meet your new hero: John Brown, an anchor on "Good Day Orlando," took a stand on Friday when it comes to the Kardashians. He walked off the set of a live show before having to report on Kylie Jenner's new rabbit named Bruce.
"I'm having a good Friday, so I refuse to talk about the Kardashians today," he said, turning to his co-anchor. "You are on your own, Amy. I can't do it." It seemed like it was all in good fun, not a mean-spirited rant, but he continued. "I've had enough Kardashians. I can't take any more Kardashian stories on this show." After Brown left, he still had his mic on, and he was asked from afar about the rabbit name. You could hear him respond off-camera: "I don't care about this family! I'm sick of this family. It's a nonstory!" The co-anchors laughed as he continued, "We're talking about the family every freakin' day on this show. Nobody cares about this family anymore! I've had enough! It's Friday! I want to have a good Friday, I don't want to talk about the Kardashians!"
The reporter reading off the story said she even agreed with him, since she didn't care about the family either. Brown continued his rant from off-camera, saying if you look at the research, no one cares about the Kardashians anymore. At that point, the other anchors just told him to breathe.
Brown shared the post on Facebook on Friday, sort of apologizing but also promoting the walk out, writing, "Here is the Kardashian rant. Sorry, I lost my mind a bit, although it was partially in jest! I did feel better though after I was done." The comments are filled with praise for this bold stand, offering Brown thanks and flower garlands and babies to kiss and basically declaring him a human unicorn. If he announces a bid for president at this point, he might win.
Check it out:
Here is the Kardashian rant. Sorry, I lost my mind a bit, although it was partially in jest! I did feel better though after I was done.See more Good Day Orlando videos: #FOX35
Posted by John Brown at Fox 35 on Friday, August 7, 2015
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