The name is Dad, just Dad, and he's not to be messed with.

British news host Piers Morgan caused a ruckus yesterday when he tweeted a photo of James Bond himself, Daniel Craig, carrying weeks-old daughter Ella (with actress Rachel Weisz)  in a baby carrier on his chest.

Morgan derided the actor as being "emasculated" by carrying out his dad duties. And wow, Twitter did not like Morgan's shaming one bit.

Celebrities and fans alike blasted Morgan for his outdated views on masculinity and parenting. First up to the plate was "Captain America" himself, Chris Evans, who tweeted, "You really have to be so uncertain of your own masculinity to concern yourself with how another man carries his child. Any man who wastes time quantifying masculinity is terrified on the inside.”

Morgan only doubled down on his vendetta against the "papoose" and kept digging himself into his hole:

In response, many fathers posted photos of themselves proudly wearing baby carriers.