Ein Strauß voll Glück

Audience Score
Ein Strauß voll Glück
NR 1 hr 28 minComedy, Family, TV Movie
After the death of her husband Anna tries to begin a new life with her children Paul and Laura on the NorthSea island Amrum An ostrichfarm is the smart businessidea which secures her familys future As merchandising and to inspire her prospective customers for her products she sends ostricheggs to the nearby restaurants on the mainland But the first delivery turns into to a disaster The shipping company that operates the ferry service to the mainland had left Annas products in the sun too long and all eggs spoiled before they got to their destination Annas optimism gets a serious blow and she is close to bankruptcy Matthias a lawyer and a good friend of Anna supports her by all means in her fight against the shipping company owner and shyster Reents With great media interest and the aid of the sympathetic journalist Marc stokes Anna enters the fight against the nearly allpowerful adversary in order to force Reents to give up

Movie Details

Original Language:German
Executive Producers:Jana Brandt, Jörn Klamroth
Production Companies:ARD