Over a decade in the making Swagger of Thieves follows rock band Head Like a Hole from the top of the charts to the bottom of a needle Staring down their age two pals and the main guts of HLAH frontman Nigel Booga Beazley and co conspirator Nigel Regan strut the hard road out of hell fighting to reconnect and return their band to past glory amidst disgruntled band mates a changed music industry and disappointed wives Struggling to place past addictions and sabotaged dreams behind them in their continuing quest for rock music relevance the evercollapsing binary stars of any Head Like a Hole lineup are certain not to polish their legacy here Swagger of Thieves captures what it means to be in a band with a reputation Unrelentingly raw wild and honest to the point of being one of the most insightful music documentaries ever made Essential viewing New Zealand International Film Festival NZIFF Melbourne International Documentary Film Festival MIDFF