Video documentation of the piece Night, They Said, by Eva Lootz, at La Caixa's Sala Montcada, Barcelona

"This piece –the number 8 inscribed within a chequerboard of marble and dry ice blocks– was inspired by the fact that, in all Indo-European languages (apart from the Slavic languages), the words for night and eight only differ in the negating n at the start: in Spanish, noche-ocho; in French, nuit-huit; in Italian, notte-otto; in German, Nacht-acht... I was fascinated by the way dry ice disappears without a trace, a flirtation with the remnants of a process which, in this case, can only be seen in language. Sometimes, language is the only place that retains the built-up layers of changes in consciousness, and this is one such example. The number eight –which comes up frequently in mythological thinking– thus becomes a figure that recalls a time of consciousness before the birth of opposites and dialectics." - Eva Lootz