Amy Schumer Lashes Out at Glamour for Putting Her in 'Plus Size' Issue
Amy Schumer picked up a copy of Glamour and saw she was in the magazine -- which may sound good in theory, but it was apparently dedicated to "plus size" women, and she was not happy to be included. Why? Because of her own size, and the message she feels it sends to other women and girls.
The "Trainwreck" and Comedy Central star shared an Instagram post on the subject, which was met with some interesting comments, some agreeing with her point and others challenging it.
Here's what she wrote, with a photo of the magazine cover:
"I think there's nothing wrong with being plus size. Beautiful healthy women. Plus size is considered size 16 in America. I go between a size 6 and an 8. @glamourmag put me in their plus size only issue without asking or letting me know and it doesn't feel right to me. Young girls seeing my body type thinking that is plus size? What are your thoughts? Mine are not cool glamour not glamourous"
Here are some of the comments:
ariewoo You're feelings are totally validated and for those that keep saying why do you care if there's nothing wrong with being plus sized, If Glamour had a "great personalities" issue and featured less attractive celebrities, wouldn't it be natural be angered and hurt by that? We are constantly being judged on the superficial, it's only human to feel upset by being labeled, especially when they are calling you plus sized when clearly you are not.
auntietretre Size 6/8 is NOT plus sized! Although I can see why they would want to include you, for having such a positive body image but it was not appropriate for their topic of plus sized. You're right, if that is portrayed as plus-what do the poor young women interpret that as?!?
mikebreslin815 Why do you ladies even tolerate the whole size thing? I mean, as a guy, I am measured by tangible things – waist, height, etc.
mrscrotty Plus size issue? Yikes! Should've just called it "woman who don't fit our rigid mould" issue. Sigh. I guess they thought saying "women who inspire us" would soften the reference to their body weight. Weight should not define anyone.
brittney_king_ I'm a size 10 and would kill to be a 6. I still am not plus size so you most definitely are not! It's like they're saying if you're not a size 2 you're plus size. That's absurd. You shouldn't be in that magizene.
However, here's a good point from someone taking issue with this entire argument:
allisonmkirk Amy's reaction to being included in the special issue and the many many comments in this feed that support her reaction, or that are flat out shaming her are proof that being considered "plus size" either by intention or association, is very much an insult to a lot of American women. As a self-identified, plus size women (for lack of a better term), I find this very depressing. It's like saying I love and admire my fat friend, but I would never want to be her.
Yes. But however people feel about the term "plus size" or Amy' inclusion, she returned to social media to thank fans for (some of) their feedback:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts everyone except the people who told me what I "should feel" or what I "should have focused on" ????
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) April 5, 2016
Bottom line seems to be we are done with these unnecessary labels which seem to be reserved for women.
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) April 5, 2016
After Amy's posts, Glamour Editor-in-Chef Cindi Leive tweeted an apology/clarification:
"We love Amy Schumer, & would never want to offend her. To be clear, @glamourmag special edition never called her plus-size. Her 2015 cover story was included in the edition, aimed at sizes 12 and up, with the coverline "Women who Inspire Us" bc...her longtime message of body positivity—& talking back to body haters—IS inspiring. (To me, too!) To be clear, size 6-8 is not plus. (Even size 12—frequent size of "plus" models—is smaller than average American woman!). But women of all sizes can be inspired by one another's words. So sorry if implication was otherwise, Amy."
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