'Embarrassed' Fan Plans to Sue 'Suicide Squad' for False Advertising
One angry and embarrassed gentleman from Scotland announced his plan to sue Warner Bros. and DC for deceiving him into watching a version of "Suicide Squad" that did not live up to expectations. The guy, called BlackPanther2016 on Reddit, said he and his lawyer brother have made a case that was accepted, and will begin Thursday, August 11, alleging "false advertising, misleading visual images and gaining profit from us and millions [of] others due to these acts."
As one Redditer replied, "Why so litigious?"
Well, BlackPanther2016 went into great detail about his specific complaints, based on scenes from trailers and promos that were not included in the final movie. Jared Leto has shared his own frustration with the many cut Joker scenes, and others on Reddit have taken pains to share entire lists of scenes rumored to have been cut.
This fan apparently drove 300 miles for a special screening and, when he told the theater he didn't get what he wanted and asked for his money back, "They laughed at me and kicked me out. So I'm now taking this to court. I want my refund, the trauma of being embarrassed as I was being kicked out and people laughing at me for wanting my refund, and also the 160 pounds of fuel money I used to drive to London from Scotland."
Here's the full post:
"Movie Trailers are like food menus, they give you a preview of what your gonna get. If you look at a McDonald's menu and you choose to get your favourite burger, presented/showcased in a nice picture with pickles, chicken, mild cheese(you're favourite, in-fact...that's the only reason you're getting this burger...because you love mild cheese). So you use your hard worked money to pay for this burger, you get the burger, but only to find out that...this isn't the burger you ordered. Yes it has pickles and chicken...but...it doesn't have mild cheese...it has regular cheese.
Suicide Squad trailers showcased several SPECIFIC Joker scenes that I had to pay for the whole movie just so that I can go watch those SPECIFIC SCENES that WB/DC had advertised in their trailers and TV spots. These scenes are: When Joker banged his head on his car window, when Joker says, ''let me show you my toys'', when Joker punchs the roof of his car, when Joker drops a bomb with his face all messed up and says, ''BYE BYE!''. Non of these scenes were in the movie. I drove 300 miles to London to go watch these specific scenes they had explicitly advertised in their TV ads...and they didn't show them to me. Adding to this, they were also 2 specific Katana scenes they advertised that were also the reason I wanted to go watch the movie. These scenes were: Katana's eyes going black, and a slow motion shot of her and her sword taking souls...in a smokey kind of style. These scenes were advertised several times in the 1st trailer and many TV ads...but they didn't show it to me in the movie. I wasted alot of money paying and travelling to go watch this movie because of these specific scenes they had advertised to me and all of us saying, ''hey, check out our preview! this will all be in our movie, come watch it on the 5th!!''. All lies. I told the theatre about this unjust act and said I didn't get what I came here to see...can I have my money back. They laughed at me and kicked me out. So I'm now taking this to court. I want my refund, the trauma of being embarrassed as I was being kicked out and people laughing at me for wanting my refund, and also the 160 pounds of fuel money I used to drive to London from Scotland.
If you advertise something...give me what you have advertised. Period. This is becoming a habbit with movie studios, showing epic scenes in trailers...but their never shown in the movies. It's unjust.
I just want to say, join me if you feel the same way. Let's stop this nonsense of false bullshitery...and don't let them bribe you with their ''deluxe premium special directors gold extended edition supreme cut'' nonsense. You should get what they advertised as their first theatre showing and what you have paid for based on what they have showed you in their advertisements.
Our court process will begin on 11/08/16 this week."
That date is in the U.K. style of day first, then month, so it's possible he'll share more on the lawsuit's progress after this Thursday. Or nothing could happen at all, beyond him fielding more sassy comments from other Reddit users. At least he got to vent.
[h/t: TheWrap]
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