Rewatch the scene and cry all over again.

The Office" fans. She was answering questions via an Instagram Live video, and revealed what she as Pam Beesly Halpert told Michael Scott (Steve Carell) after his last day at Dunder Mifflin before moving to Colorado.

In the scene -- in Season 7, Episode 22, "Goodbye, Michael" -- Michael is at the airport when he takes off his microphone and breaks the fourth wall to face the documentary crew. (And says "That's what she said" AFTER his mic is off -- which is somehow perfect and heartbreaking.)

As Michael walks away in the airport, we see Pam rush over and hug him, and they have a brief conversation that we don't get to hear.

Fischer revealed what she and Steve Carell were talking about in that scene:

"That was me talking to Steve. I told him all the ways I was going to miss him when he left our show. Those were real tears and a real goodbye. That was a really emotional scene."

She said goodbye to both Steve and Michael, as both Jenna and Pam, in a special moment they created together.

Watch the full scene again:How is the wound still so fresh?

Still in "Office" mode, Fischer revealed that her favorite episodes are "Dinner Party" (Season 4, Episode 13) and "Health Care" (Season 1, Episode 3).

Fischer currently stars in "Splitting Up Together," which airs Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. on ABC.

[Via: EW]

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