Marvel Wins Lawsuit (6 Years Later) Over 'Iron Man 3' Poster
Marvel just won a copyright lawsuit over its design for the 2013 movie power for "Iron Man 3."
On Monday, a New York federal judge delivered a summary judgment victory for the studio.
Horizon Comics Productions, a company run by Ben and Ray Lai, claimed that the official "Iron Man 3" poster was too similar to their design for a character named Caliban in their comic book series Radix.
Although they were hired by Marvel in 2002 and worked on various comic book franchises, U.S. District Court Judge J. Paul Oetken ruled, "there is virtually no evidence in the record that shows any one of these individuals either would have seen the Caliban Drawing or would have been involved in the 'Iron Man 3' Poster design, let alone both. Horizon’s arguments that these individuals could provide an access nexus is founded on nothing more than speculation."
Horizon argued the two works were "strikingly similar," and produced an expert report discussing anatomical structures, faces and heads, and camera views.
The judge sided with Marvel, who pointed out differences in pose, differing placement of lights, and "significantly different" overall coloring.
The judge's final thoughts: "In contrast to Horizon’s virtually non-existent evidence of copying, Marvel has introduced unrebutted evidence showing its independent creation of the Iron Man 3 Poster."
You can read the entire legal opinion here.
[Via THR]