15 Mistakes You Never Noticed in Blockbuster Comic Book Movies
Being super doesn't mean being perfect. Not even the biggest of blockbuster comic-book movies, like this weekend's "Logan," can escape the occasional mistake, including continuity errors, gaffes, or someone from crew appearing in the frame (hey, it happens). Here's a collection of mistakes you probably never spotted in some of the biggest superhero movies ever. As always, all images courtesy of MovieMistakes.com.
'The Avengers' (2012)
During the epic fight against the Chitauri, Captain America takes a blaster bolt to his left side, leaving noticeable damage. After Iron Man has taken out the Chitauri ship, however, Captain America's suit is no longer damaged.
'Iron Man' (2008)
When we first see Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) arrive at his company's benefit, his car doesn't have a front license plate. When we actually see him pull up to the entrance, however, his personalised "Stark" plate has appeared. How did that get there?!
'Spider-Man' (2002)
While Peter puts the moves on Mary Jane outside the diner, one man can be seen walking behind Peter about 3 or 4 times. The man is dressed in navy slacks, a trench coat, and a flat cap.
'The Wolverine' (2013)
Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) shields Yashida from the nuclear blast, severely burning him. Somehow, his pants manage to survive the scorch pretty much untouched.
'Daredevil' (2003)
Towards the beginning of the film, a shot of Matt Murdock shirtless shows clearly a back full of scars. Later, when Murdock and Elektra get intimate, his scars are all but gone.
'Iron Man' (2008)
During the end-credits sequence, members of the crew can be seen in the glass on the paintings on the wall.
'Superman Returns' (2006)
The handwriting on the note Lois faxes the Daily Planet change between the time that she writes it to when Jimmy sees it through his camera.
'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' (2009)
When Wolverine and Gambit first meet, Gambit's facial hair becomes much shorter by the end of the scene.
'Thor' (2011)
When the Destroyer arrives among the Shield agents, a coffee cup spills over on the dashboard. In the reverse angle shot, however, the coffee is upright again.
'Batman' (1989)
When the Joker's henchmen are trashing a museum, one bad guy puts his grubby little handprints all over a portrait using paint. Later, the Joker walks by the same portrait and the handprints have disappeared. Poof!
'Superman III' (1983)
Before Superman (Christopher Reeve) gets set to land on -- and stop -- a rogue plough, the wires holding him are visible.
'The Dark Knight' (2008)
During Batman's (Christian Bale) interrogation of the Joker (Heath Ledger), he picks him up and slams him against the wall. For a brief instant, you can see a camera and a cameraman in the reflection of the mirror on the right.
'Iron Man 2' (2010)
When Natalie and Pepper arrive at the Stark Industries Expo and open the car door, a huge lighting screen is visible in reflection of the car's window. We're sure Tony Stark would have something very snarky to say about this.
'X-Men' (2000)
In Toad's (Ray Park) final scene of the movie, in which he begins to fight Storm (Halle Berry), he leaps into the air and onto the balcony railing. If you take a look at the back of his belt, his stunt wire is very visible. Good thing Halle Berry usually steals everyone's attention when she's on-screen.
'The Dark Knight Rises' (2012)
As Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) researches the jewel thief, aka Catwoman, the word "heist" is misspelled on the front page of The Gotham Times.