'Orphan Black' Clones: A Definitive Ranking
A definitive ranking of 10 "Orphan Black" clones, from worst to best.
10. Rachel Duncan
Most of the female clones are fascinating people (even deranged Helena), but Rachel is really just the worst of the lot. She's buttoned up, but in a colder, more sinister way than Alison. And she's on the wrong side. Who didn't cheer when the Proclone got a pencil to the eye last season?
9. Beth Childs
As a cop, Beth was in a good position to help her fellow clones figure out what the hell was going on. But unlike most of her sisters, Beth didn't have the strength to continue the journey. She abused drugs and then committed suicide by jumping in front of a train.
8. Charlotte Bowles
Being just an 8-year-old kid, Charlotte can hardly compete with her older sisters. But it's pretty baller that she was the only survivor of 400 attempts to create another clone. She's got good genes, this one.
7. Jennifer Fitzsimmons
The swim coach didn't even know she was a clone before she died, but she valiantly documented her struggles with a respiratory illness. Her bravery during a painful downward spiral gives Cosima more information to try to heal herself - and other sisters facing the same fate.
6. Tony Sawicki
As the only transgender clone of the group, Tony stands out simply because of the way he looks. But like Sarah, he's had a dark past and harbors secrets (what's his deal with Paul?). Plus, he's ex-military, so there's a chance he's met and worked with a male clone. Here's hoping we see Tony -- and find out more about his past -- this season.
5. Katja Obinger
Katja would be higher on this list -- it's just that we barely knew her. She was the one who started reaching out to the other clones in the first place, and met with Sarah to warn her that the European clones were being murdered. Unfortunately, their sisterly reunion was very brief since Helena took Katja out via sniper rifle.
4. Cosima Niehaus
Cosima isn't just brilliant and beautiful, she's been the glue holding together the clone alliance. Her scientific exploration of their genetic sequences provided many answers to the clones - and brought up even more questions. Cosima has proven to be as tough as Helena throughout her illness, and her health is one of the few things that her sisters can rally behind.
3. Helena
She may be a psychotic murderer, but there's something lovable about the wild-eyed, bleached-blonde clone. She has a weird childlike quality (just watch her eat jello), which is at complete odds with her propensity for killing. But she has a deep tenderness for her twin, Sarah, and Sarah's child, Kira. And who knows? Maybe she'll have a little one of her own soon. Last we saw, she'd been impregnated by the Proletheans and then kidnapped by the military.
2. Sarah Manning
As the main clone of the series, Sarah is the one we see the most and know the most about. She has a shady past, but learning her true nature has spurred her on to take control (as best she can). Sarah is, without a doubt, the leader of the female clone alliance, its general, and its best hope at extricating all of them from whatever conspiracy Dyad/Topside has concocted.
1. Alison Hendrix
Sarah might be the leader, but Alison deserves this position for who she is, as a person. Here's this seemingly normal housewife - who can wield a gun and get rid of a dead body, without messing up her hair. She's frighteningly capable; Sarah might be the decision-maker, Cosima the glue, but Alison is the engine of the whole enterprise. She held her family together through the clone revelation, through rehab, and through her husband's murder of Dr. Leekie. And that Felix befriended her says it all.