10 Movies You Should Watch If You're a 'Stranger Things' Fan
If you're a hardcore "Stranger Things" fan, chances are you've called off work to binge the new season. We get it. So before you get comfy on the couch with Season 2, or when you need something to do while waiting for Season 3, check out these must-see movies that inspired "Stranger Things" in some way.
'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' (1977)
"Stranger Things" doesn't exactly deal with aliens, but it does share a lot in common with this early Steven Spielberg gem. In both cases, you have an adult going to extreme lengths to prove the existence of an out-there presence in their rural home. And the whole divorce thing factors in, too.
'Altered States' (1980)
At several points in Season 1, we see Elle being lowered into sensory deprivation tanks to help amplify her powers and bridge gap between dimensions. That's pretty much the premise of this 1980 cult classic, which stars William Hurt as a researcher using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic drugs to push the limits of perception and consciousness. He, too, finds more than he bargained for on the other side.
'The Evil Dead' (1981)
"The Evil Dead" inspired more than just the poster on Jonathan's wall. The series features several scary sequences set in the woods, and "The Evil Dead" -- and its near-perfect sequel -- are the perfect outlets if you crave a little more of that brand of terror.
'Scanners' (1981)
If Season 1 didn't satisfy your craving for seeing superhuman psychics exploding the heads of their enemies, maybe this cult classic horror film will do the trick. Even at this early stage, director David Cronenberg was already establishing his reputation as the master of body horror.
'E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial' (1982)
"Stranger Things" may pull from a number of iconic '80s movies, but none more heavily than "E.T." replace the silent, EGGO-devouring Elle with a brown, wrinkly, Reese's Pieces-loving alien and you have E.T. The similarities are especially apparent once the young heroes of Hawkins run afoul of the government and have to fight to protect their new friend.
'Poltergeist' (1982)
"Stranger Things" shares a lot in common with this beloved '80s horror film. "Poltergeist" also revolves heavily around a home haunted by an evil presence and where a young child becomes lost in another dimension, much to the chagrin of their parents. And Will's mom's attempts to contact him using Christmas Lights is obviously inspired by Carol Ann's mom trying to communicate to her daughter who is on the other side and seemingly in the walls.
'The Thing' (1982)
The Demogorgon in "Stranger Things" takes its cues from all sorts of classic Hollywood creatures, but it definitely bears more than a passing resemblance to the titular monster in "The Thing." (It also has some Guillermo del Toro influences.) And there's no better film to turn to if you crave some grotesque scenes of monster carnage and a beast that truly looks like it's from another world.
'Firestarter' (1984)
"Stranger Things" clearly owes a debt of gratitude to this 1984 Stephen King adaptation. While Drew Barrymore's character has fire-based powers rather than psychic abilities, the general idea is very similar. Once again, you have a child who gains super-powers as a result of genetic tampering and who becomes the target of a government manhunt.
'The Goonies' (1985)
No doubt the Duffer Bros. are huge fans of "Stranger Things." So if you still crave more adventures starring plucky young nerds going up against overwhelming odds, this is your best outlet.
'Stand By Me' (1986)
Just like "Stranger Things." Season 1 includes some pretty direct parallels as Mike and friends explore the woods and confront their school bullies, there is even a shot of the boys walking past and down train tracks!