'Stranger Things' Season 2 Already Has Huge Viewership, According to Nielsen Data
Well done, "Stranger Things" fans: Thanks to you, Season 2's early viewership is already impressive.
Yes, "Stranger Things" seems to have done it again. Nielsen released numbers on Thursday showing that Season 2 got off to an excellent start in its first three days, starting with its Oct. 27 premiere. Not surprisingly, the figures are as strong as Eleven's telekinetic abilities.
The data finds that more than 15.8 million people watched the first episode within the first three days, and the episodes averaged more than 4 million viewers each over the same time period, according to Variety. On top of that, there was a lot of binge-watching; 361,000 finished the entire nine-episode season in the first 24 hours.
That said, it's important to know that Netflix hasn't put much stock in Nielsen's streaming numbers in the past. When Nielsen announced in mid-October that it would track viewership for TV episodes streaming on Netflix, the streamer described the data as "not even close" and "not accurate," according to Variety. That makes it hard to say how much weight we should give the "Stranger Things" numbers.
Whatever the exact numbers may be, though, Season 2 has gotten quite a reaction so far -- just look at any social media site.
[via: Variety]