An episode of "The Simpsons" guest starring Michael Jackson has been pulled from circulation in light of the recent HBO documentary "Leaving Neverland," which alleges the pop star abused children.

Executive producer James L. Brooks, creator Matt Groening and showrunner Al Jean have decided to remove the episode from streaming platforms, networks reruns, and forthcoming physical copies such as box sets.

"It feels clearly the only choice to make,” Brooks told The Wall Street Journal. "The guys I work with — where we spend our lives arguing over jokes — were of one mind on this."

The episode, titled "Stark Raving Dad," was the premiere of the animated series' third season in 1991. Jackson voiced Leon Kompowsky, a man who believes he is Michael Jackson and resides in a mental institution. Homer meets him there while briefly committed.

Jackson was a fan of the show and offered to guest star. He was originally credited under the pseudonym "John Jay Smith." He spoke Leon's lines, but a voice double sang for him.

“This was a treasured episode," Brooks said. "There are a lot of great memories we have wrapped up in that one, and this certainly doesn’t allow them to remain.”