Freeform's Second Annual Summit brought news of two female-focused projects that are currently in the works. The network announced that it is developing the animated series "Betches" and "Woman World."

The first, "Betches," is inspired by the digital brand of the same name launched by millennials Samantha Fishbein, Jordana Abraham, and Aleen Kuperman. The cartoon, which is described as "irreverent," will follow three friends and roommates living in New York. Freeform's synopsis says, "The three women loudly try to figure out who they are in their careers and in love. They make almost every mistake in the book along the way, but they’re doing their best to make sure they have an anything-but-basic life."

The pilot for "Betches" will be written by Rachel Koller. Fishbein, Abraham, and Kuperman are all set to executive produce, alongside Emma Roberts, Carli Haney, Kesila Childers, and Gil Goldschein of Bunim-Murra Productions.

The second project, "Woman World," is a half-hour comedic cartoon based on the graphic novel by Aminder Dhaliwal. Per Freeform, "The pilot playfully answers the question 'what would our world look like if men became extinct?' This community of women leans on each other for survival as they search for love and their identity in this ladies-only existence."

Dhaliwal is writing the pilot herself, and Felicia Day is executive producing.

It looks like Freeform has a lot in the pipeline for us!