1 (2009)

Audience Score
A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and completely filled with copies of a book entitled 1 which doesnt appear to have a publisher or author The strange almanac describes what happens to the whole of humanity in the space of a minute A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research RDI Reality Defense Institute As the investigation progresses the situation becomes more complex and the book increasingly well known raising numerous controversies political scientific religious and artistic Plagued by doubts the protagonist has to face facts reality only exists in the imagination of individuals
DirectorPater Sparrow
WritersPater SparrowJudit Góczán

Movie Details

Theatrical Release:November 5th, 2009
Original Language:Hungarian
Executive Producers:András Tóth, András Pusztay
Production Companies:Moviebar Cameo Film End and End Image Honeymood Films Laokoon Filmgroup