Hybrid (2007)

Movie"He's looking to kill!"
Audience Score
It's an experiment in human behavior. It's an exploration of the most natural of animal impulses. It's something new under the moon. And it bites. When security dispatcher Aaron Scates is blinded in an explosion, he's put in the care of Dr. Andrea Hewlitt, famous in her field for spearheading extraordinary-though controversial-medical breakthroughs. Her newest is cross-species organ transplants, and Aaron is her first human subject. When a severely wounded wolf is brought to Dr. Hewlitt's office by museum curator Lydia Armstrong, Dr. Hewlitt leaps on the opportunity and successfully transplants the wolf's eyes to Aaron-despite Lydia's objections. Aaron, however, is thrilled. Not only can he see again, he can see in the dark. He also has an unusually acute sense of hearing, and tears into a raw steak like never before. Unfortunately, he also tends growl, and to target people as prey.
DirectorYelena Lanskaya

Maneater Collection

Maneater Series is the name, logo and line look given to a series of made-for-television natural horror films on DVD produced by RHI Entertainment for the Syfy Channel, and distributed by Vivendi Entertainment. The Maneater Series logo and line look were created under the direction of Danny Tubbs, the executive director of creative services of Vivendi Entertainment. The deal, made in October 2006, stipulated that the first ten films would premiere on the US-based channel in 2007, but due to a pre-licensing agreement, the first six actually premiered in Canada on the video on demand channel Movie Central on Demand. Most of the early films in the series were filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Movie Details

Theatrical Release:August 14th, 2007
On DVD & Blu-ray:July 8th, 2008 - Buy DVD
Original Language:English
Executive Producers:Michael J. Taylor, Gilles Paquin, Gary Howsam, Robert Halmi Sr., Robert Halmi Jr.
Production Companies:RHI, Paquin Entertainment Group