The Strangers: Chapter 1 Review
‘The Strangers: Chapter 1’ Is Basically A Remake Of ‘The Strangers’. ‘The Strangers: Chapter 1’ kicks off a new trilogy in the home invasion franchise by retelling the original story, only with diminishing results.
Since ‘The Strangers’ came out in 2008, its reputation as a stone-cold horror classic has grown. And with good reason: the movie – about a troubled couple besieged in their home by three masked strangers for no discernible reason – is legitimately terrifying. Writer-director Bryan Bertino’s frightening little gem took viewers by surprise with the relentless and utterly unexplainable nature of the assault, while putting two characters who are already at odds when we meet them into a situation where they will either live or die in the last place they want to be at that moment.

Movie Details
The Strangers (Remake) Collection
The Strangers trilogy consists of American psychological horror films, based on an original story by Bryan Bertino, the plot centers around three masked psycho-sociopathic home invaders.