Witness Underground (2024)

"Escaping a Cult"Movie
Witness Underground
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Punk rock Bmovies and Jehovahs Witnesses unite in this heartfelt documentary As members of Jehovahs Witness start to explore culture outside of their religion they have to wrestle with the possibility of being excommunicated from friends and family Featuring indepth interviews and extensive home video footage Witness Underground tells the story of punk rocker Witnesses pushing against the highly controlling Jehovahs Witnesses religion as they build their own community through music and art This prolific community of Witness musicians create their own record label Nuclear Gopher and become early adopters of promoting their music through the internet including what may have been the first album to ever be livestreamed This communitys history is well documented through archival footage of their home movies and selfproduced music videos all with a very charming energy
DirectorScott Homan