19 Mistakes You Never Noticed in Huge Animated Movies
Even animated characters make mistakes. To celebrate the release of "The LEGO Batman Movie," we've gathered some of the "oops" moments from the animation world you probably missed. From "Finding Nemo" to "Ice Age," no movie is immune. As usual, all photos are courtesy of MovieMistakes.com.
'Finding Nemo' (2003)
When the dentist initially tries to catch Nemo, he's clearly using a Ziploc-style, sealable plastic bag. However, when he finally catches him, it's just a plain ol', non-sealable plastic bag.
'Wreck-It Ralph' (2012)
Vanellope loses one of her front, upper teeth when she and Ralph are practicing to drive. The tooth magically reappears, however, throughout the remainder of the film.
'The Lion King' (1994)
While we don't want to admit there's anything wrong with this Disney classic, we can't keep lying to ourselves. In a few scenes, Nala's eyes change color from blue to green, then back to blue. Or is the other way around? Either way, turns out "The Lion King" isn't the perfect movie.
'Shrek' (2001)
In one touching and funny scene, Shrek and Donkey are sitting by the fire and looking at the stars when Donkey asks Shrek about "our swamp." Shrek promptly tells him "there's no we, there's no our." In that moment, Shrek blinks and you can see his eyeball slicing through his eyelid. That one definitely slipped by the movie's animators.
'Frozen' (2013)
After Elsa pulls her hair into a long braid while singing "Let It Go," she pulls it to her front. Instead of going over her shoulder, she simply pulls it straight through her shoulder, like some sort of freaky ghost braid.
'Aladdin' (1992)
When Jafar is holding Jasmine captive, she attempts to convince the sorcerer that she is in fact under his spell, during which we can clearly see a gold bracelet on her right arm. After Jafar figures out the princess is tricking him, he pushed her down, and that gold bracelet magically switches arms.
'Beauty and the Beast' (1991)
While the Beast is throwing a temper tantrum towards the beginning of the animated classic, he slashes a picture of his still-human self. The cuts in the painting initially go downwards from left to right. However, when Belle wanders into the forbidden wing of the house where the picture is kept, the slashes go down from right to left.
'Chicken Run' (2000)
When mean Mr. Tweedy collects the chickens' eggs, he diligently makes note of which birds were "eggless." The problem is, he's actually horrible at keeping track. In one shot, a close up reveals that chickens 276 and 277 did not lay any eggs, but, in the next wide shot, the dashes next to those numbers turn into checks.
'Lilo & Stitch' (2001)
In one of the movie's first scenes, Lilo is taking a hula lesson, at which two men are serving as drummers. In one shot, both men are holding yellow drums shaped like bowling pins. But in another shot, the man on the right is holding a completely different drum.
'The Little Mermaid' (1989)
While Grimsby is presenting Eric with a very creepy statue of the prince, a sailor has a magical quick-change moment. In one shot, said sailor's shirt is white with blue stripes, and in the next, it's blue with blue stripes.
'Monsters, Inc.' (2001)
When "Monsters, Inc." scarer George exits a kid's room, he takes home a memento: a sock. In one shot the child-contaminated article is facing the middle of George's back. In the next shot, the sock is flipped around, facing the monster's shoulder.
'The Simpsons Movie' (2007)
In the movie theater when Homer ever so gracefully gets up to tell his fellow moviegoers that what they're watching sucks, we can clearly see the characters' original seating arrangements: Lisa is next to Marge, Marge is next to Homer, etc. In the next shot, a spontaneous game of musical chairs must've taken place because a lot of the characters' seats have changed.
'Toy Story' (1995)
While stuck in Sid's toy torture chamber, Woody tries to figure out a way to stop Buzz from getting blown to bits. While that's all well and good, take note of the clock on wall. In the beginning of the scene, the time reads 3:10, but a few minutes later, the clock reads 10:00.
'Planet 51' (2009)
The "No Parking" sign post changes position from one shot to the next. Clearly, you just can't park anywhere...
'Toy Story 2' (1999)
In this scene from 'Toy Story 2,' Hamm shuts off the television with the remote. When we get a look at the TV, however, there's no reflection of him or Rex to be found.
'Shrek 2' (2004)
When Puss in Boots plants his sword in the ground and jumps out of his boots, the items are in the middle of a grass patch with a noticeable distance from any trees. After he attacks Shrek and lands back in his boots, however, his boots, sword, and hat are right beside a tree.
'Tangled' (2010)
Just before Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, his right wrist is visible and shackle free. In the next shot, however, Flynn's wrist is bound in shackles.
'Beauty and the Beast' (1991)
Near the end of the movie, Belle is wearing a white apron. A moment later, it's gone. Then, another moment later, it's back again. Is the apron cursed, too?!
'Ice Age' (2002)
When Scrat the squirrel gets stuck between two glaciers at the beginning of the movie, he's at the bottom. However, a moment later, when he pops out, he's shot out the top. That's some shady squirrel business.