7 Things to Know Before 'House of Cards' Season 3
Here are 7 things you should know before you start binge-watching Season 3 of Netflix's "House of Cards."
President Frank Underwood
The charming, conniving, fourth wall breaking Francis Underwood schemed his way from Democratic Majority Whip to Vice President to President. He dethroned Garrett Walker as leader of the free world by exposing his Xanax prescriptions and his ties to a casino money laundering plot that involved Chinese businessman Xander Feng and billionaire Raymond Tusk (who was later in cahoots with lobbyist Remy Danton in order to end Frank). Walker was forced to resign after Underwood played him and now it's all hail President F.U.
First Lady Claire Underwood
Claire Underwood had some interesting ups and downs in Season 2. As you may recall, she rekindled a relationship with photographer Adam Galloway after finding about Frank's affair with journalist Zoe Barnes. (More on her later.) Claire revealed she was raped by a decorated army general, and when grilled in a tough TV interview about having an abortion, she changed her story to tie the abortion to her rape. Claire and the first lady become activists for women's rights, but her plans backfired when Tusk leaked info about her affair with Galloway.
Bye Bye, Zoe Barnes
She bit the dust. Sorry for the spoiler, but it's been a year! Frank pushed her in front of a train at the start of Season 2 after she badgered him about Peter Russo's death.
Lucas vs. Gavin (and Cashew)
Zoe had a relationship with ex-colleague Lucas Goodwin, who began heavily investigating her suspicious death. He went in a deep internet black hole looking for Underwood conspiracies, and eventually was contacted by hacker Gavin Orsay (who has a guinea pig named Cashew, for some reason.) Gavin is later exposed as an FBI informant and gets Lucas sentenced to prison for cyberterrorism. Perhaps we haven't seen the last of him. Will he try to exact revenge?
Freddy's BBQ Joint Is No More
Frank Underwood's beloved Freddy's BBQ Joint was another Season 2 casualty. Freddy's son, who was on parole, ended up pulling a gun on reporters outside of the place. We'll miss watching Frank go to town on those delicious looking ribs...
Stamper is Dead. Maybe.
Frank's right-hand man Doug Stamper became a weeeee bit obsessive as he was tasked to keep tabs on former call girl and pawn in the Season 1 Peter Russo takedown, Rachel Posner. After relocating her, he started getting controlling and jealous, even forcing her to stop seeing her girlfriend Lisa. When he tried to take her away again, Rachel feared for her life and smashed his head with a rock. Will he be back?
New Season, Same Problems?
We're sure that Season 2's web of secrets, power struggles, and deadly crimes will rear its head in Season 3, but we should also expect some fresh meat and political issues. Frank's biggest foe in Season 2 was Raymond Tusk, but this time he'll tackle Russian leader Viktor Petrov. And according to sneak peeks, we'll see further strain on Frank and Claire's marriage. In the Season 3 trailer, Claire even asks Frank: “I'm starting to question all of it, Francis. What are we doing this for?”