Amy Schumer Poses Nearly Nude (With Coffee) for 2016 Pirelli Calendar
Yep, there's a real woman for ya! Amy Schumer wasn't required to bare (almost) all for her Annie Leibovitz photo shoot, but that's what Pirelli models usually do, so she did it for the 2016 calendar.
The "Trainwreck" and Comedy Central star is proud of her natural curves, and you may recall seeing them in her controversial "Star Wars" GQ photos and this tweet about her not-quite-model, not-quite-plus-size figure.
That was then, and it's still the case now, as Amy just showed off on Instagram, signalling a major tone shift for Pirelli's new calendar.
Don't miss the caption. Amy seems to be anticipating some negative feedback, but hopefully she gets MUCH more applause. It's refreshing to see more diverse kinds of beauty in a prominent showcase, instead of Pirelli's typical Barbie-esque models on the beach.
According to People, this year's Pirelli calendar honors 13 women "of outstanding professional, social, cultural, sporting and artistic accomplishment." Annie Leibovitz photographed the women, including Serena Williams, Patti Smith, and Yoko Ono, and most of the featured subjects kept their clothes on. But Serena also stripped down, to show her athletic body.
Here's a statement from Leibovitz on this year's theme:
"The 2000 Calendar was an exercise in photographing nudes. It was a simple concept. For 2016, we did something completely different, but it is still simple. It is a classic set of black-and-white portraits made in the studio. When Pirelli approached me, they said they wanted to make a departure from the past. They suggested the idea of photographing distinguished women. After we agreed on that, the goal was to be very straightforward. I wanted the pictures to show the women exactly as they are, with no pretense."
What do you think about this change in direction for Pirelli's "calendar girls"?
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