'Big Brother 18': Bronte Evicted in Bridgette (and Frank's) HOH
UPDATE 2: Bronte was evicted over Tiffany in a 5-4-0 vote. Tiffany's exit speech was EPIC. However, the dictator and his Cabbage Patch Kid are safe into Week 4, because Paulie won HOH (again) so with the stupid teams twist, that means all of Category 4 (Paulie, Frank, Bridgette, Michelle) is safe.
UPDATE 1: Stop the presses, 'cause Tuesday night, Da'Vonne and Tiffany rallied a group to save Tiffany and evict Bronte instead. It finally seemed to occur to them that Tiffany is not against them (she's supposedly a member of their 8 Pack) and *is* against Frank. The enemy of their enemy is their friend. They need five votes to save Tiff and, at this point, they appear to have them: Da'Vonne, Nicole, James, Zakiyah, and Michelle said they would vote to evict Bronte. So Frank and Bridgette may go from (basically) being co-HOHs to being blindsided on Thursday. Bwahahahah! But then again, they may not. HGs change their minds all the time, so don't put too much stock in the Save Tiffany plan until the night of July 14.
Original post:
Frank Eudy started misting Bridgette Dunning immediately after the July 7 "Big Brother 18" live show and, so far, it has served him well in Week 3. (Cue the "rigged!" chorus.)
Bridgette had just won the crapshoot Head of Household competition, meaning her entire Category 4 team -- including house targetFrank-- were all safe. Bridgette hasn't been shown much on TV, but she is basically Frank's pet. He clearly seems to be gunning for a Derrick/Victoria relationship and we have yet to see anything from Bridgette on the live feeds that suggests she is running her own game.
Representing basic women everywhere! Bridgette takes HOH! #BasicallyCrushedItpic.twitter.com/pJsXYmHqo6
— Becky Burgess (@beckyburgess17) July 8, 2016
Frank immediately got in Bridgette's ear when the live show was over. She initially threw out nomination names like Corey, Nicole, and Tiffany. Frank immediately pushed for Tiffany, with whom he has sparred in the house, and also threw in Bronte or Paul as options. Frank is a member of the 8 Pack alliance, which includes Nicole and Corey (and supposedly Tiffany, although Frank wants to switch her out for Paulie). Bridgette is in the Spy Girls alliance with Bronte and Natalie. She was all for girl power but she is now targeting Tiffany. She told Bronte it's not just because of Frank, she wants Tiffany out, too. She doesn't trust her. For whatever reason.
So, on Friday, Bridgette nominated Paul Abrahamian and Tiffany Rousso for eviction, with Tiffany as the target. That is what Frank had suggested. Probably just a coincidence.
@bbspoiler Frank tells the boys how he will convince Bridgette to go after Tiffani #BB18pic.twitter.com/HxFodmeFZF
— Whipclip (@whipclip) July 8, 2016
At this point, no one has told Bridgette that Frank was actually the one who won the Week 1 Roadkill comp that put her up on the block. She said in her Diary Room interview that whoever did that would be her target. Well, some people in the house know it was Frank and could tell her. Bridgette can't target Frank but at least she could stop being his puppet.
Bronte is also trying to break Frank and Bridgette apart, but for other reasons -- his alliance is now against him because he keeps sabotaging his own social game:
Bronte to Bridgette- There is a big thing that went on last night between Frank and Day. Frank has slapped Day and Zakiyah's butts #BB18
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) July 8, 2016
Bronte to Bridgette- Yesterday he (Frank) jokingly called Day a slut. He slapped her ass again. She went into DR and reported him #BB18
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) July 8, 2016
Natalie to Bridgette- He (Frank) slapped her (Da'Vonne's) butt twice, called her a slut and told her "shut your damn mouth, woman" #BB18
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) July 9, 2016
Frank has been a champ all week like that.
The Roadkill competition was held Friday, July 8 and Frank won (because it's all rigged), and he put up Bronte D'Acquisto as the third nominee.
On Saturday, Bridgette won the Power of Veto competition, hurting her ankle in the process, thanks to Frank. She is not going to use the POV to save her ally Bronte because -- and Bronte agrees with this -- the Roadkill winner would just replace her with Natalie. At this point, they don't know that the Roadkill winner is Frank.
So the final nominations will be Tiffany/Paul/Bronte and, as of now, Tiffany is doomed. However, there's a lot of time left until Thursday's live show.
If it should get to Bridgette and her Spy Girls team that Frank won two Roadkills -- in which he nominated both Bridgette and her ally Bronte -- then maybe they'd save Tiffany and try to take out Paul. Bronte and Bridgette did discuss, late Friday night, a plan to rally the girls to vote out Paul, saving Tiffany and joining the anti-Frank crowd next week. But James told Natalie the house was prepared to vote out Tiffany. That could change, though, if a movement grows to oust Paul.
Poor Paul, to always be stuck on the block. But at least he's not the full house target. Yet.
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