'Celebrity Big Brother' Had a Surprising First Winner: Bitter Jury or Good Call?
The first U.S. edition of "Celebrity Big Brother" ended Sunday night, opposite tough competition from the Olympics Closing Ceremony, the return of "The Walking Dead," and "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All."
Five stars were still in action when the February 25 show began. Omarosa Manigault was the first to be evicted. When it came down to the final four, the final Head of Household was given the power to chose whom she/he wanted to face in Final 2, evicting two people at once.
Marissa Jaret Winokur hadn't done much but follow Ross Mathews all season, but she managed to squeak out a tie-breaking win for the final HoH. She stood by her man and took Ross to F2, evicting Ariadna Gutiérrez and the guy everyone thought she should take to the end, Mark McGrath.
It seemed like Anyone vs. Mark would give the win to Anyone, so Mark was the expected Final 2 choice. Ross had won multiple HoHs and Vetos, saving his own butt more than once when Lady O was targeting him. He played a strong strategic, physical, and apparently social game -- since both Marissa and Ari said they would've taken Ross to the end.
But, once again, the jury thought otherwise. The celebs got to watch the show back from home -- other than O, Mark, and Ari, who were freshly eliminated. It's possible that affected their decisions. Or they might've done what they did anyway.
The vote was 6-3. Marissa won. It was surprising since she didn't do much all season. Then again, we had the same result from BB19 when Josh won over Paul. And, you could argue, when Nicole beat Paul in BB18. And when Morgan beat Jason in BBOTT. This could just be the new "Big Brother" trend (that isn't even that new).
At least Ross won something -- Julie said the vote for America's Favorite came down to Ross, Shannon Elizabeth, or James Maslow. Ross won, giving him $25,000 on top of the $50,000 for second place. (Ari wasn't even in the top 3? That is some BS. She is the rightful queen.) But Marissa got the $250,000. Good for her, and really good for her "Big Brother" superfan son.
But many fans were confused and frustrated by what they saw as the wrong winner:
Welp, another person just won Big Brother for doing the bare minimum, while sitting next to someone who played infinitely better. #BBCeleb
— Andie Diana (@andielikes) February 26, 2018
What's wrong with this jury?! How is Ross not getting every single vote?! Bunch of morons!!!!! Big brother needs to end Jury votes. People are too stupid. BB is not a game about honesty and losing every single competition! WTF?! #BBCeleb
— Dan Styles (@DanDanstyles101) February 26, 2018
Omg, this jury. VOTE FOR THE BEST GAME WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? #CBBUSpic.twitter.com/KHQy7e4s8E
— Melissa Deni (@itsmelissaaa) February 26, 2018
I know that this bitter ass jury has voted for Marissa to win and honestly my heart is broke for Ross. #CBBUS
— Whitney (@whitneyhogg) February 26, 2018
— *ITS*COMMON*SENSE* (@commmon_sensez) February 26, 2018
I didn't want either of them to win but Ross deserved to win over Marissa even with his bad jury management. She literally just did whatever Ross told her to do and her jury answers were terrible. That was one bitter ass jury lmao. #CBBUS
— katey (@BB17twinsfan) February 26, 2018
Marissa wins over Ross. I'm done now #CBBUS#BBCelebpic.twitter.com/IOTY3PjYNC
— thalia (@thaliafreddie9) February 26, 2018
I actually like Marissa as a winner & think she played a decent game, but that was Ross's. His mistakes & lack of jury management were not enough to lose IMO. So happy he got AFP to cushion the blow. #cbbus#bbceleb
— meg ❄️ (@msmegquinn) February 26, 2018
Ross played liked Paul and forgot jury management and got the Paul treatment. #CBBUS#BBCelebpic.twitter.com/DO5KLuVh4r
— Elijah Mercer (@J_AlPrufrock) February 26, 2018
REALLY, #MarissaWinokur???
Housemates voted who THEY WANTED, not WHO SHOULD win
Derserving of win
It's #BigBrother not who's more honest & nicer, UGH!#CelebrityBigBrother#CBS#BBCeleb#CelebBB@CBS@CBSBigBrother#BigBrotherCelebrity#CBBUSpic.twitter.com/IquRLrKt9d— Shakespeare Opera Theatre Film (@AskAmy_) February 26, 2018
The job of the finalists is to convince the jury who to vote for. You don't get to pick your ideal jury. You have to understand who you have in front of you. The jury seemed to appreciate Marissa's honesty -- in the game, and in her final answers -- with only Mark, Brandi, and Metta voting for Ross to win. The usual summer season, BB20, is headed to CBS in a few months. We'll have to see if any lessons are learned from CBBUS or BB19.
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