'Grey's Anatomy' Season 14 Will Take a 'Hard Left Turn' With Jackson & Maggie
The future of Jaggie is literally up in the air at the moment.
The "Grey's Anatomy" Season 14 midseason finale left Maggie (Kelly McCreary) and Jackson (Jesse Williams) on a bloody dramatic helicopter ride, which may or may not connect to the future of their relationship storyline. Many fans were not happy when the Season 13 finale suggested the stepsiblings might become a couple. Jackson later called Maggie his "sister," but there still seems to be an attempt to push them together. Japril fans want Jackson to get back together with April (Sarah Drew), but April appears to be on her own path of self-discovery at the moment, leaving Jackson free.
Free to do what, in regard to Maggie? Well, James Pickens Jr. shared an intriguing tease on that front. He plays Richard, Maggie's father, who is married to Catherine, Jackson's mother. On the subject of Jaggie, here's what Pickens told TVLine:
"I don't want to divulge [too much], but I think [Shonda Rhimes is] setting it up to make a real hard left turn with this thing here."
A hard left turn? What would that even mean? Putting them together or pushing them apart? Maybe the relationship thing will be dropped entirely. In case you want to take this as a hint/warning, Pickens also emphasized that Jackson and Maggie are "not blood-related, so there's nothing incestuous about it. It's just that the dynamic is funny."
Kelly McCreary told TVLine Maggie and Jackson are still just getting to know each other, but she seems to think they have a chance. As she put it...
If Jackson and Maggie "can find a way to help each other be the best people and doctors and, in Jackson's case, parent, I think the audience will root for them."
Eh. It would be an uphill climb, but maybe. Better to just give Maggie a storyline *not* connected to someone else's love interest so she has a chance to develop her own loyal fan base.
"Grey's Anatomy" Season 14 returns Thursday, January 18 at p.m. on ABC.
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