Jeff Bridges Teases Return of His 'Big Lebowski' Character, the Dude
The Dude might be due for a return.
"The Big Lebowski" star Jeff Bridges had a surprise for fans on Thursday, Jan. 24. He posted a video on Twitter that showed him dressed as his memorable slacker character, alongside a caption teasing something more to come. Bridges told fans to "stay tuned," and the video highlighted the date Feb. 3, 2019.
The date listed happens to be Super Bowl Sunday, as Entertainment Weekly pointed out. With that being the case, it seems likely that the video Bridges shared is a clip from a commercial that will air during the game. Many fans acknowledged this possibility in their replies to the video, but that didn't stop them from wishing there was more to it -- namely, an upcoming sequel.
Clearly, the 1998 crime comedy remains as popular as ever. Even if fans don't get the sequel announcement they're hoping for, though, we suspect they'll be happy to see the Dude again. Thirty seconds is better than none, man.
[via: Jeff Bridges/Twitter; h/t: EW]

The Big Lebowski