Lead-Up to 'The Walking Dead' Season 6 and 'Fear' Starts With Sunday Marathons
As Morgan Jones says, all life is precious, and yours should be devoted to "The Walking Dead" starting this Sunday, July 26. As AMC announced at Comic-Con, "Fear the Walking Dead" has its series premiere Sunday, August 23 at 9 p.m. on AMC, and "The Walking Dead" Season 6 has its supersized 90 minute premiere on Sunday, October 11 at 9 p.m., followed by "Talking Dead" at 10:30 p.m..
Leading up to those big premieres are two cool events:
1. AMC is launching a five Sunday, five season "Walking Dead" marathon, starting with Season 1, Episode 1, "Days Gone Bye" on Sunday, July 26 at 2:30 p.m. All six episodes of Season 1 will air that day. The next Sunday, August 2, Season 2 will start airing its 13 episodes at 7:30 a.m. The next Sunday, August 9, the 16 episodes of Season 3 will air. Season 4 airs Sunday, August 16. Season 5 will play out on Sunday, August 23. Here's AMC's full schedule. That marathon leads straight into...
2. The "Talking Dead Season 6 Preview Special" airs Sunday, August 23 at 8 p.m., with new details and interviews and cool stuff about the main show's sixth season. This will be followed by the "Fear the Walking Dead" premiere at 9 p.m.
So August 23 is a very big night for "Dead" fans, but the long slow shuffle to Season 6 begins this very weekend with the first Sunday marathon. Are you in?
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