Leonardo DiCaprio may have made headlines for his hilarious, eyebrow-raising side-eye of Lady Gaga at the Golden Globes, but there was another small moment featuring the actor that caught our eye last night.

DiCaprio and Kate Winslet staged a mini "Titanic" reunion during a commercial break, embracing and sharing a laugh as the cameras followed the crowd during a brief pause in the broadcast. The former costars, who are still BFFs after all these years, were likely discussing Winslet's win of the Best Supporting Actress trophy for her role in "Steve Jobs." Though she'd earned Globes before, Winslet's win on Sunday was still a bit of a shock, and she and Leo were no doubt reveling in the surprise.

As he later showed with Gaga, Leo put his fabulous facial expressions on display during this brief encounter, too. Were they talking about his nervousness over his upcoming category, Best Actor in a Drama? We may never know, though of course, DiCaprio didn't have anything to worry about: He won the trophy for his role in "The Revenant," as expected.

In fact, eagle-eyed viewers may have noticed that the first person to hug him after his name was called was none other than Winslet. She may have let go at the end of "Titanic," but she'll never make that mistake again.

[via: Vine, Twitter, h/t Vanity Fair]

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