Netflix's 'Black Mirror' Happy New Year Video Is Eerily Perfect
Smart. Scary. Disturbing. Dystopian digital sensory overload. That's "Black Mirror" in a nutshell. It's also a decent description of the new "Black Mirror: Happy New Year" video Netflix just posted on the same day Season 4 debuted:
"There's only one way to say goodbye to 2017. Six new Black Mirror stories, now streaming."
"Black Mirror" fans quickly devoured the episodes, and all of the meaning in the Happy New Year video (which was set to an ABBA song, because of course). Here are some of the video reaction comments:
"The funny thing is that at some point you can't really tell real 2017 footage from black mirror dystopia!"
"Black Mirror saying 'I told you so'. Love it."
"The real Youtube Rewind we've all been waiting for"
"Oh I get it. Real life is black mirror."
"shout out to the best and most underrated netflix show ever."
"why am i so depressed watching a new year ad?"
"For everyone that doesn't know what "Black Mirror" means... look at your phone or TV screen (it's a black mirror)"
"black mirror, thank you for existing"
On Friday, Dec. 29, #BlackMirror4 trended on Twitter, with fans discussing the six new episodes as they watched them. There's always a lot to digest, but it's best to watch the episodes with no spoilers ahead of time, and only join the discussion afterward ... unless you decide to do it differently. There's no one correct way to let Charlie Brooker eff with your mind!
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