Rose Leslie Stopped Talking to Kit Harington After He Spoiled 'Game of Thrones' Ending
Do you really want to know how "Game of Thrones" ends before the final season even debuts? If you're married to Kit Harington ( (aka Jon Snow), as former costar Rose Leslie is, then you're going to ask.
But when he told her, she was so upset she stopped talking to him for three days, he said.
As Harington revealed to U.K. radio station KISS FM’s morning show today, “I told my wife last year how it ended, and she wouldn’t talk to me for about three days. And she’d asked!"
Oops. Does that mean a tragic ending for Jon Snow?
"I can’t really answer whether I’m happy or not," Harington said about how the epic series ends. "I don’t think it’s about happy or sad, really. I’m satisfied with what they did, but I don’t know whether I’ll be really satisfied until I see it."
But there is a certain satisfaction in being one of the few people who know how it all ends. Said Harington, "It’s quite nice walking around, which will only happen for a few months before everyone’s seen it, knowing. I know and no one else does. I know how it wraps up. I think it’s gonna be groundbreaking."
Leslie, who played Snow's lover Ygritte, was killed off in Season 4. The two actors tied the knot in July 2018.
"Game of Thrones" returns Sunday, April 14.
[Via EW]