The 'Game of Thrones' Campaign Attack Ads Are Here (and Harsh)
It's almost time to crown the winning candidate in the "Game of Thrones" GoT Party. This political movement comes courtesy of HBO Entertainment, and it ends tomorrow (August 31) with the winning team announced Thursday, September 1.
Here are the GoT party candidates:
Jon Snow (with Lyanna Mormont)
Daenerys Targaryen (with Tyrion Lannister)
Petyr Baelish (with Sansa Stark)
Cersei Lannister (with Maester Qyburn)
You've probably seen the first campaign videos. Now watch their attack ads. While two are harsh, they all could've been a lot worse, considering the ammunition out there. These are characters that have a lot of bad deeds and mistakes in their pasts, and not even Littlefinger mentions that Jon Snow -- the current leading candidate in the polls -- was already stabbed to death by the first people he tried to rule, which is not the strongest leadership experience.
Here are the videos:
Mockingbird | Baelish for #GOT2016
Littlefinger's attack ad is directly solely at Cersei, whom he calls "dishonest, despised, desperate, distrusted, disgraceful," as "Rains of Castamere" plays. It's credited to Fingers and Friends Against Cersei. Considering Cersei only has 2 percent of the votes at this point, he probably could've tried taking on a stronger target.Confessions | Cersei for #GOT2016
Cersei takes aim at all three of her opponents in a video based around the word "Confess." She calls Baelish a "murderer," Jon Snow a "bastard, and Dany an "outsider."Election Watch | Snow for #GOT2016
The Jon Snow video is a bit vanilla and too fair to the other sides, which is probably just about right.Watch the Throne | Dany for #GOT2016
Dany's video, approved by the Free People of Essos, recycles her "break the wheel" speech and also shows off some of her impressive a**-kicking experience.Now head to to learn more about candidates, compare platforms, cast your ballot, and stay updated with real-time polls. The winner (probably Jon Snow/Lyanna Mormont if the poll stays as it is) will be revealed Thursday.
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